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20:17:00 - 2001-01-14
letter to a friend
hi how was life for you has it been fine what have you been doing all this while did you move on to other things like improving yourself and learning to drive or writing your silly stories.i hope you have been living fruitfully peacefully and happily...

next week i'll be staying in camp for standby till the eve of the chinese new year,i won't be coming out for quite a while and so i guess you have to live life by yourself untill then...don't forget to brush your teeth and sleep and don't stay up too late cos when i come out i want to see you fresh and healthy so that we could go out and have fun and shout out loud and don't feel depressed about anything and just run it down and no silence when we're sitting down together cos i'm beginning to hate the silence whenever we're at the cafe sitting down and smoking cos the silence means you're troubled with something.


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