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12:00 p.m. - 2001-11-20
second part of the demons
I traced an �s� in the dust and asked the doorkeeper, � why are the demons here again?

Who are the demons?�

�they come with a purpose.� He said and smiled. I knew he was lying. what the fuck does he know about demons.

�they come with a purpose? What the fuck! You mean they orgas? Come?�

he ignored me and continued,�they�ve been here all the time actually,just that you never did anything,you�re such a coward.�

are you for real?

i wrote the last �t� in the dust and said, �you�re so full of shit, like an oyster clamming shit in its mouth till shit turns to pearl and you think you�re valuable, well you�ll be the first to go.�

I pushed the doorkeeper out the door. he stood in the garden and looked around him. the haha boy spoke for the first time all this while as he stood at the window looking at the doorkeeper, � silence is golden.�

all of a sudden, dust flew and wings flapped and dark clouds swirled and cooks poisoned curry and in a far away country, someone was lying on a bed made of cold steel and then the demons came.

the doorkeeper shrieked, �oh shit.�

do I have to say this? I looked at my script.

�and he was no longer a doorkeeper or a person no more as the demons enveloped him in their dark cloud of capes and fed.�

I said a silent prayer to the foreign gods and gave a loud fart. ar�to be released is pure joy.

the haha boy laughed and grabbed his stomach, � oh haha, you�re such a gas.�

what�cha laughin �at, you retarded boy. you�re a retard, do you know that?

he laughed again, �haha�, his childish laughter clear as a church bell.

he read my thoughts and said , �haha, I am from the church of satan, mister.�

I summoned sid justice and his incredible bellow.

sid justice is a former wrestler from the WWF( Unity Curry Knowledge ). his real name was sid_vicious handy justice. he was handy in dishing out justice, quick and brutal, to anyone who needs a quick fix and has not much lifespan to spend.

the veins in his neck popped and his face turned flaming red on his tanned skin and he sat the haha boy on his knee like christmas santa at a shopping mall.

the girl from the accounting department giggled and said, �have you been a good boy this year?�

and a voice whispered from the side of the stage, �the demons! the demons!�

I ignored them and beckoned sid_vicious handy justice to continue.

he took a deep breath and shouted with force, �damm your churches!�

I cried and thanked sid for his help.

really, I really cried. ( you�ve got to see this cos it�s my tear.)

sid, you�ve been a great help, thanks for revenging me.

would you believe me, cos I really thanked sid for saying what he said and then he was condemmed by the haha boy to spend an eternity pushing a rock up a mountain.

I couldn�t believe it. his sentence was the same as mine. (metaphorically speaking,of course; if I was condemmed to literally push a rock up a mountain for eternity, I would kill myself.)

the haha boy waved to the demons and the demons waved back. they were in it together.

I stared into the abyss and the abyss stared back. what darkness and uglyness. I am scared.

I did what anyone my age my person would do.

(to start with, I nearly peed my pants.)

I tored my heart out and ate a piece of it and spat into the abyss. ( what the martians traditionally do to express total grief.)

then I gouged out an eye and screamed in pain and threw it into the abyss. ( what I imagined myself doing.)

then, this one�s for real, I told the abyss to fuck haha boy and his demons. the whole lot of them should just fuck off in their stupid orgy and kill themselves in their abyss. what a mess.

it really happened. my wish came true.

have I told you about the rest of the world?

may their souls rest in peace!

a blinding light and a deafening big bang.

I woke up found myself pushing this rock and laughing haha.

I couldn�t even hear the sound of laughter.

a young kid clamoured over the muddied grass with a dead fat guppy in his hands.

�hey you over there! Take a look at this�have you seen anything more disgusting then this?�

ya, i have. i smiled. i smiled because he was smiling at me and never have a smile been so discomforting. I once stared into the abyss and it reflected at me.

still, I would say to myself, � at least, deep down, I still believed I was never wrong.�

haha ( what is this sound? laughter?) should I trust my comfort in my self-righteousness.

�haha.� haha boy grants you permission to laugh together with me.

the end.


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