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3:58 p.m. - 2002-04-07
random probability generated scrap
random probability: Scrap.

i scream with delight as i spotted another shoulder clean of flesh standing in the cold sunlight with a piece of noodle strap on it. i'm absolutely delighted. i want more.

more so that my brain would be desensitised and nothing excites more.

tell me dun need this to show your beauty. my little porcupine.

"the sea is always bigger than what you imagined in your mind."---( XXX,19??).


when i was an alien,

i took a bus to school.

can't find any place

( where shall i place this vase? )

or stranded in the sea of none-recognition,

exercised too much.

of my right to be alone.

what�s left of my left...i've left the building

unannounced, is the people with only nouns for names,

have you seen an odd fish?

quite selfish.

elfish? no.

fish you.

my disappearing act in act two and the show must go on.

the world revolves around an axis, not me.

are you willing to leave.

no need to say goodbye

so when i was an alien,

i took a bus to school.


any meaning in all these words.

my apologies. all these is scrap.

I�ve just got to write more scrap.

untill anything good comes out.

make use of random probability since it�s widely available.

went to the bank with my father this morning.

walked a long distance.

ate roti prata. spin spin prata.

saw a black and white cat with a black nose.

saw some hamsters scurrying around in their plastic cage.

saw trees and yellow leaves blowing across the roads swept by a gentle breeze.

--a sugar coated day.

i am the sweet with a nasty insect in the middle.


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