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9:36 a.m. - 2002-04-10
seek to understand, then to be understood
7 habits of highly effective people

"i agree with you totally!"

somehow when i say this phrase to my friend during a project discussion and he was offering his point of view, a sudden outburst like this, seemed to unnerve him. but i purposely say it a few times more to irritate them.

"i agree with you totally!" i say it with force and conviction and a finger thrust out to emphasize and point at who i agree with.

what are project discussions?

these are trying times ,

when we sit and make jokes

and veer off the topic

prefering to insult and scold

each other to forget the pressing task at hand.

so i've decided.

next time, i know there'll be more next times...i shall say this phrase more..."i agree with you totally!"

and maybe after i've offered my views, i'll ask them, "do you agree with me totally?"

ya, i know, it's very disruptive and stupid. i shouldn't do it.


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