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12:16 p.m. - 2002-06-14
story of my life---@
yesterday, after playing some stuff with the guys at the place, i walked out thirsty.

i called shawn and he said he was bowling and so i went to katong.

i got there, he was bowling with killer?

i talked with killer? , about our current life and so on, school grades and stuff, semesters and porn, intranets and secrets, bowling pins and bowling shoes.

later we had lunch.

then killer? looked at me and said.

shixxxx, you look like you have no aim or goal in life.


you look like you're just waiting to die.

i laughed a nervous laugh and smiled as happily as i could.


then we talked and joked about how i was going to die a month later. i asked him how was i going to die. he said im just going to be walking on orchardroad and suddenly i just collapse.and thats the story of my life.

the end.


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