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11:08 p.m. - 2003-03-10
where are the real teenage punk rock stars
my favourite rock band

an interview:

"well...i remember being 15 or 16 and listening to the Green Day dookie album and going 'oh oh oh...' like they articulated my thoughts and all... despite the fact that the members of Green Day were already around 20-ish... well, here i am now, in my 20s, and i wonder, can i write any songs for the younger generation, with lyrics like '17 and strung out on confusion...' Heck, i can't. i dun think i really understand what it means now, to be 17 and so on...when im really 25. Does this mean we're no longer a teenage punk band?

i dunno. Perhaps its about marketing. Those kids, 15,16,17, probably would like it if we put some numbers in our songs, relating to their age and all the things they had to deal with growing up... well, i can't do it.

i dun have the teenage voice no more.

but what do i have now?

haha... i think what i have to offer is this: what it's like to have stayed on and come out of that teenage phase of awkward growing up, climbing all those hills... to arrive at a plateau.. an empty plain.

where are the promised riches

the meaning of it all.

what is the meaning of being 20-ish?

if i were so pessimistic, i'd have hung myself. Would.

Singing these songs.

a word of warning maybe.

or more like road signs. To be positive."

--------where are the real teenage punk rock stars?


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