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1:08 p.m. - 2003-04-26
Another film idea. the idea of happiness.
The idea of happiness

recently much events have happened in life which has made one sad.

hence it is up to one to step out perhaps and to seek and enjoy moments.

the idea of creativity is what everyone can do.

surprise your frens. surprise yourself.

do something unpredictable. awashed in warm orange glow.


mine is quite stereotypical.

all these happens silently.

if one has to be alone, it'll be blowing bubbles in a field as the sun rises and morning dew evaporates.

smile dreamily under the blue sky.

if one has to be with another, it'll be with a close fren. maybe blowing bubbles again for all its idiocy. Or playing with fireworks at twilight. Or maybe flying a kite since it is near extinct already.

take note: these are all images.

blurry, warm, unsettling.


the female ejaculation.

twirling styrafoam aeroplane.


silently repeat everything again.

everything repeats itself for 90 minutes untill the last guy/gal of the audience walks away... then can switch off the projector already. save electricity.

the end.


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