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12:21 p.m. - 2003-07-27
Synopsis of "this is not a sci-fi movie"
This is not a Science Fiction Movie.

Film Synopsis:

This is not a Science Fiction Movie.

There are no time machines, no monsters from outerspace;

there are no androids counting sheep, and no robots turning into trucks, cars, aeroplanes or motorcycles� and twisting back into robots again�

there are no green aliens, or flying saucers from planet Mars.

There are no expeditions deep into the sea,

nor are there creatures in the Earth�s centre.

This is not about the future, nor will it bring back the past.

This is not a Science Fiction Movie.

K is a doctor, a self-hating doctor. His daily life consists of examining the hypochrondiac masses in his small office and hanging around with his fellow colleagues at the hospital canteen, ingesting cups of caffeine-free coffee and listening to them gripe proudly about their �battles at the warfront�, creating new bio-technological weapons, like the TK 49, to aid in the Great War.

Almost everyone in this movie hate themselves. Why not? We are a world obsessed with health and beauty. Patients at the hospital waiting room discuss about the drugs they take and the operations they planned for the coming weekend while the television churns out daily statistics of people diagnosed with a list of illnesses (e.g. Aids, Cancer, Acne, Height Shortages, Fatness, Thinness) and the death counter keeps rising. Lucky for us, the body is a malleable thing. It can be shaped, reformed and moulded, like the advertisements said.

But truth be told, all medicines and treatments in this world depend on the body�s will to react and heal itself. If the body resists, illness persists. And for some, the body has become their enemy.

One day, a man is admitted to the hospital. He has a pain in his legs that comes in sudden bouts. Treatments, drugs and invasive surgery do not work at all. The man is K�s father. For K, the war has gotten complicated, how does a fallen doctor save the person who gave him his imperfect genes?


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