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10:50 p.m. - 2003-08-23
here's another joke
heres a new one

well, so there we were in class, "discussing" shit like usual with the learned lecturer leading the way firing questions at us: the questions that have only one answer: her answer.

yea, so i dunno why but i spoke up. and i could have killed myself for it cept that im not so stupid and yea i still got my bmx bicycle to work towards.

and so anyway i spoke up, and i dunno why of all the times to act like a stuttering fool it had to be this one.

and so the teacher looked glumly, letting my words fly pass her and she does a "mutter mutter mutter mutter" to herself, making fun of me i think.

and so i shut up and i dunno

what i was talking about in a single moment.


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