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4:57 p.m. - 2003-12-27
christmas and the shops were all closed
it was a late night out. well around 10pm, we had finished taking turns on the arcade, playing a stupid fighting game where you could choose to be skilled in tae kwon do or karate or muay thai or tai ji or wrestling or whatever. the moves were spastic and the gameplay was weird. pressing the punch button does nothing. moving the joystick forward, the sprite does a jumping kick into empty space. we lost at the final judgement, not enough points to win.

we walked out. and saw a screen playing a music video of counterstrike characters doing their moves, blasting through windows, firing guns, doing coordinated prancing, and a snow jacket guy with his arms outstretch like deliverance; it was funny.

i picked up a blue balloon and kicked it. we passed it around in the air, kicking it to each other for a while. then we crossed the road to the chicken rice stall. i threw the balloon up in the air shouting byebye!. it dropped behind me at the zebra crossing.


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