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11:21 p.m. - 2004-02-23
ravers and t-shirt designs
current raves:

1. "World's Greatest" series of books sold at $2.90 at Popular Bookshop. Have read World's Greatest Alien Conspiracies. Truly amazing. really great. Will be buying World's Greatest Alien Encounters and World's Greatest ALien Abductions soon...

2. Just bought World's Greatest Secrets. Hooray. Mrt rides will no longer be filled with staring at advertisements or scanning people.

3. Am listening to the chemical brothers after trying to find some beaty music for some images at work.

chemical brothers go well with alien abductions.

4. am slightly tranced after a girl asked me, "are you going back to the office?" and i said "no." The above sequence plays back in my mind and i keep making up different answers and scenarios. entertaining.

5. have downloaded a song called formula1 shumacher. Funnily it samples race car vrooms and loops them with techno beats. very funny.

6. ALiens aliens!!!!

7. am thinking of how not to get stressed at work. no answers currently.

they too much dubbing and couriering shit

8. soccer betting. money seems to multiply faster this way.

9. nine.

10. reccommend me beats somebody. no cheesy euro cheese like my sargeant said.


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