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10:50 p.m. - 2004-05-25
news at eleven

read some good lines.

"all that i knew about her fitted into an entry in a address book".

watched a nice video called

finding_primo, its a skateboarding video made by some kids in Europe. Very nice. It's not hip-hoppy or too punky or too cool-flow-fast. It's just some kids having fun and making stupid teeth-baring faces at the camera while skating. It's got a very nice section called stupid basement tricks, where the kids do some creative moves in a very small basement of someone's house. You can imagine them just playing there when its raining outside. they're cool without acting cool.

if you're interested, go here

and download finding primo. its 37mb. should be fast.

people quarrelled in the morning admist the groans of pain. i blabbered my mouth. i read the horoscope yesterday which told me not to get annoyed with a friend. True enough colleagues at work were annoying. scolded me fuck you. i wanted to scream back. but thank the stars for horoscopes and thank the newspapers for making up stupid predictions and thank the kids who read them thus creating demand and supply and a natural system of economics is born. thank you india thank you insolence thank you avril lavigne thank you natural rebonded hair thank you auntie jagged pill alanis morissette in spaghettis. thank you.

school is starting. there is 1000 dollars of pay left of which 600 goes to food and transport and 100 goes to utilities and 50 gets lost due to company's calculations that you have not served one full month. that means i have 250. Enough to get the shoes i want for school to start. new shoes. yay. obsessing about shoes. the wanting/desire is so sweet.

went to nanyang poly's diploma show.

very impressive animation, 3d modelling, videogames,artwork, filmwork...

ntu school of communication is not a design school. lousy piece of shit. i always dream of working in a video games company. too bad i'm not an obsessive jap old school mario perfect gamer or a resident evil genius or final fantasy faq writer.

guess i'll have to be the janitor

can't seem to download the strokes 1251.

kazaa is all clogged with dummy copies.


the strokes "room on fire" is good.

will make a mental note.

other news:

taking up new 10 minute obsessions with downloading skate videos. and somethingawful is crazy.


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