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10:23 p.m. - 2004-06-01
i want to have great conversations
i think im quite a lousy conversationalist. And well, im gonna improve on that. How? i think i'll have to go the performance route where i launch myself into rollercoasterly statements and observations about my life or some experiences; in a not too self-absorbed (toilet paper is a comparable medium when you're talking about degrees of absorbency.) manner, and also not too whiny.

complaining is ok, as long as you dun whine, and you dun make it like its the end of the world; but you can't say it matter-of-factly, you got to have be passionate about it, because it's your opinion, and if you dun think much to have a firm opinion which can stand on its own, you might as well keep silent.

ok, so here's an example.

"i'm anal.

i feel like and i do... walk fast whenever i get off the mrt train. It's like i need to get away from the hordes of rushing humans or something. We're all rushing and thinking intently about the growing queues at the chomping gates. then suddenly, wtf, we get swallowed by this human cloud at the escalators. all sides. eurgh."

if by this soliloquy, and the reaction is not a guffaw or some grinning nods, or some verbal comeback or support,

maybe i'll have to add the bladder humour, like

"yeah... this congested human train going down the escalator like a long chunk of brownish hardened crap sliding down the bowels of your ass."

it's all crap.

sometimes when im with people, i wouldn't talk so much. what i might do is just say some unrelated thing that i hope by word-association psychology, would animate the listener.

one habit i have is thinking quietly and suddenly exclaiming, "Oh! I know already!" and then ---- er, let's just say that not everyone is as excited about that idea as me. and yeah, my own excitement dies down too. but it's fun.

that sudden "oh! i know!" like some epiphany.

ok that was a bit like toilet paper.


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