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12:12 p.m. - 2004-07-18
theories have to be tested
a picture of a malaysian street at night. it looks like japan. its at, website of a malaysian band called furniture. they played a riveting instrumental weird melodic set at baybeats last night. we clapped and cheered whenever there was a pause. then later like some scene out of That Thing You Do, bunch of people (me included) were at the small tablestand for indie stuff,

asking for the Furniture cd. Courts Ikea have been subverted.

ok back to the picture, i have a theory that the streets of malaysia look like japan at night. so one of these days, i guess we'll have to send a probe to malaysia to capture some evidence. yea, probably have to send a probe to japan too, else there's no comparison.

what does the result prove?

the existence of japanese urban planners in malaysia operating.

that the idealic street scene is a neon lit road flanked by low buildings and as much cool sky and that is not some japanese street you imagined in your head except for the pink sign which means there's a possibility of sex involved, yes kinky japanesie sex. (does not make sense.)

very japanic.


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