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12:52 a.m. - 2004-07-26
waiting for the village
the village, night shyamalan

saw a few teasers on television, herald the new film by shyamalan, The Village.

cool, will be awaiting this one.

i especially like/admire the one scene in his movie, Signs, where the kids and pre-passion mel gibson were hiding in the cellar, anticipating the aliens. There was an exciting moment where the lights go out and some struggling noises in the dark and this cool shot of a torchlight being kicked around in the dirt. That was a great device. Just a torch being kicked about admist the commotion; makes the audience gasp and hold their breath to see what's going on, and whether their fears are confirmed...

i dun really like sixth sense.

i like the story of unbreakable and the fact that it was a low-hype film.

cut-aways are cool. slow, lingering, they set a mood. the power of visuals. like poetry.

people talking in the background.

steam rising from a tea pot.

just let the shot steady on the tea pot and tea cups.

Then, the conversation in the background

could be a heated discussion, a quarrel, or even a japanesey feelings-outpouring monologue. to set a counterpoint. this works if you got lousy actors with facial paralytics.

they could talk monotonous even. as long as some film audiences think they could sense the storm of emotions under the surface...

then like some submarine, the clown pokes up his periscope and looks around.


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