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2:38 p.m. - 2004-11-24
my mum had a mum
i was going to bed one night when i heard my mum sniffle. she was lying there in the dark and sleeping. i looked at her and realised she was trying not to cry; probably a bad dream.

i patted her.

i remember the time grandma died and my mum putting down that phonecall from hainan, china. she walked to the balcony and cried. i didn't know how to comfort her. she said between tears,
"son, my mum is dead, i have no mum already."

then it hit me.
that my mum had a mum.
yes it rhymes, funny ain't it.
mum had always been strong and secure.
i didn't realise that... that...
she also had her own pillars to lean on to.



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