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10:01 p.m. - 2005-03-11
jisatsu club: yoroshiku onegaishimasu hyper text Dah
the place in the internet

54 schoolgirls with an average age of about 15, gather together on a platform at Shinjuku station, for no apparent reason all line up and link hands as the Tokyo-bound train approaches the platform, and with a chilling chant of "A-one... and a-two... and a-three!" in perfect unison, throw themselves in front of the train. mandiapple review

i like the description "post-Ring new wave japanese horror".

are you connected to yourself?

my reading of the film:
crazy cutie japanic society.
pre-teen girlband members cut strips of skin.
droll salarymen on the train.
everyone wears sailormoon costume to school.
am i related to myself?
if i die, my connection still remains.
a internet webpage with dots.
absolute nonsense.
beautiful organs.
the organ is a musical instrument.

ok, the end.


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