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2:01 p.m. - 2005-04-03
the good scriptwriter brings his audience on a rollercoaster trip.
the good scriptwriter brings his audience on a rollercoaster trip.

Qn: is it a rollercoaster trip or a rollercoaster ride?

Ans: A trip implies a destination, a place away from your starting point, whereas a ride is more roundabout, like a literal carnival ride where you return to where you first got into the seats.

Sometimes like a rollercoaster ride, audiences finish watching the show and realise that they are back to their normal lives; unchanged, unmoved, it was all entertaining but i've still got to eat dinner tonight, thank you.

So where are we now? Taking a rollercoaster trip up and down through life, you have to realise that though the sun rises everyday, not everyday has the same sun. It is just different, with tiny minute changes in cosmic radiation or sunspots or something.
We are usually blind.

What happens?
Those are the details.
Realise them.


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