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9:23 p.m. - 2005-11-27
i like reading words of ordinary people
i just finished reading a fren's blog. he sent the link to us.

i dunno why but i think i like reading, and reading people's thoughts and experiences on stuff, especially if they've written it in a very accessible manner, with easy to follow sentence structure and vocabulary.

often i would marvel at how they construct their paragraphs because everything fits nicely and comfortably into place, each thought flows to another, with tiny surprises along the way. i think it is very interesting.

i think it is great that people express their opinions.

heh, i also dunno why i'm writing like this now. i think i might have dumbed myself down unconsciously, since i stopped writing regularly, examining myself, or even reading books to identify with the characters and to gain understanding of the human condition.

heck, i'm going to go watch south park now and bathe and perhaps read something later. good night!


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