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1:40 p.m. - 2006-04-15
another nonsense
do what you love, love what you do, you do what love makes you do

the horoscope for pisces on thursday was "go do what you love and become very good at it..."

it got me into thinking about work.

Employment for people who are persistent in doing something almost considered useless, untill they found themselves a niche.

there was a young man who grew up liking to watch movies. So after his general education, where he learnt general subjects like literature, science, maths and social sciences, he decided that since he liked watching movies, maybe he can become a director or a producer, making his own films.

but he found himself at a tether, because he found he had no sustaining interest or talent in shooting, in writing stories, in managing budgets, giving instructions, or dealing with people. the whole process of production work appears complicated and fraught with egos and people with their own motives. it wasn't really all bad, but he wasn't at the right place at the right time.

the only thing he was good at was watching films. Just losing himself in the dark hall of the cinema.

so because he went to the cinema so often, and he watched so many films, all kinds of films,

in the end, he became:

(a) film programme manager for film festivals, organising film festivals for audiences.
(b) test audience for new upcoming movies
(c) film reviewer for magazines
(d) a film projectionist
(e) film archive librarian
(f) webmaster of film reviews site
(g) movie DVD pirate

Another story involves a man who likes eating.
He can't cook, he can only eat.
so in the end, he became:

(a) a food critic for Michelin magazine
(b) eating competitor in speed eating contests
(c) taste tester for instant food products
(d) webmaster of food reviews/info site
(e) food tester to saddam hussein
(f) test model for slimming products to see if they work.

Another story involves a man who likes porn.
in the end, he became:

(a) a pornstar
(b) patient for sex-related medical treatments
(c) sperm donor
(d) a reviewer/critic of porn (i.e. products, websites, films, stars, etc)
(e) webmaster peddling porn
(f) writer of erotic literature
(g) sex guru to unhappy couples

And in this way, the world found itself a more meaningful place, with people finding meaning in their time on earth, living with the thought:

nothing is useless.
a way to survive from this can be found.

there is another person. he likes using money to buy stuff. he is quite a materialistic person, interested in all the latest gadgets, beautiful clothes, all kinds of expensive crap.

he likes them so much, he collects them, never throwing away last season's stuff.

so his whole house was full of it.

in the end, he became broke and nearly died, but he couldnt bear to throw away his stuff.

so he opened a museum. And design students, industry pple, the public, everyone was interested and they paid to look at the stuff.

he wasn't super successful but at least he made enough money to buy more gadgets he liked.

there was this person who hated rubbish. but he had to do it. he is a garbage disposal man.

we should pay him more money for doing what he hates. but we don't.

And he continues doing what he hates, for very little amount of money. The system continues because no dissent and action is loud enough.

he doesn't know what he want.
but he knows what he likes.
but he is scared.

it is scary to do what you like and then fail.
it is scary to do what few people are doing.
it is scary to move away from the regularity of one's life.

it is scary to wake up and find that oneself has changed into a motivational speaker, a flood of optimism drowning the hall.

i want to be silly and scrawl
i love _____ on walls.

and when it has been written, i actually take more fun in what has been said, because i feel the most silly then, and a behind my brain kind of feeling that this is what love is making me do


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