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9:20 a.m. - 2006-05-19
camouflage wearing bear
camouflage wearing bear he doesn't belong in the city, he lives in the jungle, in the foilage heavy undergrowth.

a perpetual snare on his lips, flashing pointy triangular teeth, he slouches out of his cave, looking for grub, almost angrily.

his nose and right paw is still smeared with yesterday's kill, a sleepy anteater surprised but it still put up a good fight. bear has a torn right ear, a good piece of it gone.

messed up thoughts messed up. nightmares and broken sleep. fragments of vision, blistered.

a black shiny metal rod, shaft of a rifle, raised horizontal in the distance. 2 gun shots, a comtemplative pause in between them.

a part of the jungle shivered and fell, almost invisible.


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