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1:20 a.m. - 2006-06-21
filmed in july - postponed?
filmed in july
i am always eager to put out, (hah),
after i write something even though it's not even half-done; and seldom do i continue it after it's published here.

but anyway here it is:

We are in the suburbs. All we see are houses flanking the long undulating road ahead of us, in a riot of shapes and colours; lined up one after another, they go far off into the distance, seemingly infinite.

The sun is setting. It casts a warm orange glow upon everything it touches, like a life-giving Midas. It is a colour of nostalgia, like faded sun-washed home movies, flickering in some hot afternoon, trapped within it a moment in the past, forever irretrievable. A million speckles, uncountable dust particles dance in a frenzy, basking in the sunbeams that filter through the green leaves overhead.

There are many little flowers by the roadside, in cheerful red, orange and yellow; they sway gently, slightly, with the invisible breeze.

He lopes on the road, long legs striding, like the yeti.

When you start to think about it, the time we have on this world isn�t really much�

(he says more but i think we'll just let some random soft focus images washed and dyed in colours appear and fill the gaps with our own thoughts)

I'm in love...

I feel sad...

I wish that...

He walks on the road, whispering to himself, looking at the ground, he can�t look up at the blue sky above without feeling like crying out,

he walks on and on, across junctions without looking, mumbling to himself, he is in his own world,

he walks on and on, there is no more road, the road ends at a grass plain,

he walks onto the grass plain, he walks through the overgrown wild grass,

he walks into a gradually wooded area, he is in the woods and he is still walking,

there is little light left, it is getting darker and darker, the skies are turning dark blue,

he is walking alone in the woods.

The woods are wild.
Chaotic, messy, it is full of threatening unknown things, strange life, it alienates you, you feel unwelcome, the quietness is like a warning, they do not want to be disturbed.

when we cry, we cry alone.


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