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11:50 p.m. - 2006-07-31
dreams that i don't dare to dream, paths where they fear to thread
if you ask me what i want to do in the future i can't tell you because they are dreams that i don't dare to dream.

last night i had a fun dream, i was at the void deck of a group of housing flats and then i was handed this note. It says #01-04. And then like in a race, i was running, and i have no idea where is #01-04, i just knew i was in a race and i had to get to #01-04 and i would win something if i get there before my invisible competitors.

and so i ran... raced through a few corners, bends and turns, to look at the mailboxes at the flats.

from the corner of my eye, i could see someone from quite faraway, also running to mailboxes at another flat.

i scanned the mailboxes and found it - #01-04.

i tugged at it and it opened.

Inside - a few coins.

2 ten cents and 2 twenty cents. A key.
And another note.

this is the reward?

strangely i felt happy, this seemed like a fun game.

i opened up the note and it listed #03-05.

i have a feeling it won't be mailboxes this time. I will have to enter a flat.

and then i woke up.


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