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10:54 p.m. - 2006-08-19
getting drunk at the office party
getting drunk at the office party

"i cant sleep tonight
Everybody saying everythings alright
Still I cant close my eyes
Im seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights
Sunny days
Where have you gone?
I get the strangest feeling you belong
Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?"

our office band, "Dun quit your day job", played this song, and we sang along at the top of our voices, and when the song is done, we go whoooooooooo... wolf howls and the moon shines.

i got drunk and someone pushed me to the front and then michell pulled me towards the stage where i stumbled around the band to and fro like a caged drowsy bear, then i spasm-dance a bit, and fell to the floor.

then i went to the toilet and puked. And then sat for some time on the toilet seat trying to sober up. Later, thankfully, my friends got me out and gave me some water and brought me home, and i tried to stay conscious as i brushed my teeth and bathed and my mom watched me all this time i think, because she was real worried.

i woke up at 4 am. Peed, drank some water and fell back in bed where i think i couldnt sleep for a while because the mind was still travelling on its own.

this was what happened.


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