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11:20 p.m. - 2007-01-31
write short story, win book voucher
my entries:

for sale: adult diapers, freshly baked.

Tomorrow, we surrender... Now, burn everything.

"Age, Sex, Location?" 26, male, Singapore.

Look here... Smile... Okay, get dressed.

"Put your hands up!"

World Peace, ha ha ha... Granted.

would love to see your entries too...(7)

write short story. win book voucher

Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words -- "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

Now it's your chance to exorcise your inner Atwood to tell the most compelling Booker prize winning story in six words. Up for grabs is a $50 Books Actually (or equivalent) voucher for the winning entry!

Send in your very short stories by Sun, 11 Feb, to [email protected]. Remember to include your contact details. All entries will be published anonymously for shits, but mostly, giggles.


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