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11:27 p.m. - 2007-04-16
an elephant must hurt to never forget
when thunder speaks, the earth listens

More and more, there is reason to believe that this world has some assholes and mutherfuckas, and it is imperative to give them hell or the fuckface.

strangers, when you see someone giving you the fuckface, understand that this is for the petty injustice, penny-pinching and self-serving ways of those worthless stupid assholes hiding among you.

hell will come.

who among us is truly blessed?

today i took comfort in the rain clouds in the sky, knowing that hundreds of people out there are also being rained upon.

and then i remembered seeing this girl walking in front of me at the overhead bridge, her long hair and fringe covering her face.

As she turned her head slightly, i noticed that she had a wine-dark birthmark spread across her forehead, eyes and cheek.

if somebody said this is karma, i think i would scold them idiots. i don't think anyone should deserve this.


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