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11:12 p.m. - 2007-11-05
actually life isn't so bad and other things i wish to tell you
life isn't so bad and there's lots of other things i wish to tell you.

life isn't banal, devoid of freshness, like defines the word.

i think i had a relatively happy life today, this monday.

today, i walked out of my house to go to work in the morning. i was supposed to go into the office early as i received an sms from my traffic manager that he wants me to "try my best" to go 1 hr earlier and settle somebody else's job.

of course i delayed my time.
i walked to the bus stop and luck of all lucks, my bus 132 came. but as i reached into my bag, i realised that it was one wallet lighter. so i walked back home.

when i finally reached my destination 1 hr later, i knew i haven't tried my best and maybe i would get a small reprimand. but whaddayaknow, as i alighted the bus, i saw the traffic manager walking in front of me. so he was late too. i lingered behind as i do not want to meet him and waited till he was far ahead walking to the office.

work came and went. i did what i had to, nothing brilliant, the patient was cut open, the tumor removed, the sutures sutured, the nurse got dressed, the patient awoke, i left my mentos in there and split.

i sat on bus 132 with zf and we played virtual tennis on the double decker bus. i made gross noises like "eeurgh" and "ah" and "fuck" whenever i couldn't hit the ball. luckily, i turned polite and mature as the bus journey progressed and i stopped making primal noises.

we alighted at MacRitchie reservoir and waited for another bus. This time we waited like 20mins thanks to our world class transport system and ERP-policed highways.

while we waited, a mercedes cab bumped into the back for another silver car and the drivers stopped by the bus stop to examine the damage. this took like ten minutes or longer as each party tried to see the spider cracks in the dimming dusklight.

when we finally got to the gym, there were a lot of people, all sweaty and smelly and making grunts as they pumped iron and did the great singapore workout.

i got on the treadmill and ran for 10 minutes. i did a few other exercises with the machines. i stood around and watched people sweat. oh i retract that last statement.

then some guy's bag got stolen and he and his gf approached the counter girl for help. she offered to play back the video recording for them to see. And then the police was called in and the policewoman - chick in uniform, and another guy officer, they came with their clipboard and pen and wrote up their forms.

everybody continued doing their exercises but this time the grunting wasn't as loud. i guess these brutes do have a little sympathy after all.

and then it was around 9pm, me and zf walked to amk S11 and i ate japanese teriyucky chicken (which materialised as chicken katsu) and zf ate the infamous western food chicken chop but he couldn't finish his fries and so i gobbled it down. gobble gobble i'm a turkey.

at one point during dinner, he said, "hey the sauce is really good. i realised it now. you wanna try?"

and so i tried a piece and it was really good. the meat and skin was tender and firm with a little juice, the sauce was fresh and sweet with a slight grilled taste.

The coffee shop assistant uncle happened to be walking by with a tray of drinks and most untypical behaviour of me, i called out to him, "uncle, i want to order drinks. later can?"

later he did come back, and i drank my teh-iced.

sitting in the dimly lit, open air area of the coffeeshop sipping my sweet aromatic teh-iced, i felt that i could be in a foreign place like thailand.

it felt good to see a familiar place in a new light. the feeling wasn't strong but i felt it would be good to behave as if this were a strange new place.

and so i asked the locals about their sanitage system and marriage customs.

no la, i went home, zf went home.

and now i happen to be here writing to you because!

life isn't so bad and there's lots of other things i wish to tell you. but i tend to forget them when we eventually speak.

ok i go read a book and prepare to sleep. talk to you tmr.


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