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11:29 p.m. - 2007-12-24
a can of dog food
i still have a can of dog food, it's for blackie the dog who came into my estate one day.

he's young and active, friendly to everyone and likes to chase the cats.

i was walking to the market one day when i saw him sitting there with his head on the floor. he perked up and sniffed me.

and then after i had my lunch and was walking home, i thought of whether i should buy some food for blackie.

should i? buy? costs money...
but should i just walk and dun care?
he's a good dog, he haven't ate for days, he's probably hungry, starving even... will someone feed him if i don't? am i spending too much money already?

if i don't buy and just walk away, will i be slowly turning my heart cold, and one day i'd lose all sense of compassion and be selfish?

if everytime i see someone in need and i just look away, thinking that someone else can help, am i turning into a zombie?

in the end, i bought a can from the grocery store. i think i'd better not let my heart turn to stone completely. better to leave part of it still warm and soft.


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