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10:46 p.m. - 2008-01-16
Jan 16 2008 Wednesday
hi, i'm here again. I haven't written any updates for quite a while and so i thought i'd write some tonight.

right now, my psp is updating itself, because i'd gotten to know about the m33 3.80 update and have read all the instructions carefully about how to upgrade the firmware, and i've decided to give it a try. it's quite complex and i'm following a step by step guide (see below for the links). Hope nothing goes wrong. fingers crossed. legs crossed.

what else happened today...
(please do not assassinate me by using the times listed below, because they are not really a schedule)

well i got up at 7am and washed up, ate bovril bread drank milo and then left the house at 7.45am and then i reached my bus-stop at about 7.55am and my bus (double-decker version!)just came by and i missed it by about 200m.

luckily another bus (single deck sadly) came about 6mins later, and i stood near the back hanging onto the handgrabs.

fast forward to me getting off at my destination 45mins later. i bought a sandwich from the mrt breadshop. Quite delicious.

The rest of the day at work consisted of the following:
1. check out macbook air, the new super thin macbook.

2. go through several games and tech gadgets website, trawling for info.

3. go to youtube and look at this game called "i wanna be the guy", a super duper hard "fun" game.

4. talked to aD about bob dylan's docu "i'm not there" and about next week's "the mist". two shows that i want to watch. (plus 27 dresses with f)

5. lunch with colleagues. i ate san lor hor fun.

6. then, dinner time by myself at the hawker centre near the malay village. i ate chicken chop rice.

7. walked to sheng shiong and bought 3 cans of drinks and 3 tubes of darlie 14 days shiny white toothpaste.

okay, got to go...
here are the links:

success! i got m33 3.80-2 now.


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