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5:28 p.m. - 2008-03-18
Gotta send our docu to the festival
xai told me on msn to send our docu to this place.

while writing the synopsis to our docu, i couldn't help but think about how mr. leum is now and about how the four of us lived together for 3 weeks. i hope mr leum is living happily.

here's the synopsis:

Against the Tide is a brief but telling peek into the life of an aged fisherman in the Mekong River of Southern Laos. In Don Det, one of the 4000 islands in this part of the Mekong River, Leum has retired from years of teaching in the village school and is content to spend his idyllic days camping on the islands and fishing.

But like the ever-moving currents of the river, life in the village is changing around him. The entrance of tourists, visitors from neighbouring countries and backpackers from as far as Switzerland, is transforming the livelihoods and lifestyles of the villagers.

In the face of old age and changing times, Leum�s almost-rebellious desire to fish and live a life of simplicity gives us much to ponder about our own lives.


if you like, you can take a look at our docu here.


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