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12:11 a.m. - 2008-03-29
i've changed the template of my diary. And in changing the template, suddenly some of my favourite diaryland blogs are exposed here, see them at the right.

It's been more than 8 years since i started this diary, as some sort of recording of my writes and thoughts about life.

So many things have happened. i;ve almost entirely forgotten about these blogs and people i've met...

i took a peek into spurs' blog, something i haven't done for more than 5 years, and i realised i didn't even know what he was going through in his life then. He's quite a private person, but still he's been a great friend.

ok, as are all of you reading this too... ok, don't get jealous... it's just that yea he always praise me to the top, being generous with his praise and meaningwell words. i'm really thankful to you Spurs. i'm sorry i wasn't around when you were troubled.

to my friends, i hope we don't drift too far apart, what with work and all sorts of nonsense now... let's keep in touch. Perhaps one day at some moment, we'll rekindle our friendship again.. there'll be a twinkle in our eyes, maybe its the alcohol, but really, its great to have met you, and to feel like we are back in time to the good ol days.

i'm sorry if i'm too busy or aloof sometimes nowadays, or i refuse to join you at night for supper or drinks because i've bathed already or i'm tired. i hope you understand.

ok, no matter what, i am still here. i'll help if you need some. take care friends..

btw, pls read my previous post about the click to give sites and help. Do plant a babytree too.

i'll get mine planted as soon as my lost debit card is reactivated and will post up some pics of the tree in future. i think i will get the species that is a buffer against forest fires and can retain moisture well. I hope it can deter the forests from burning in Indonesia and reduce the air-polluted haze.

alright, let's live bravely and properly.

take care, friends.


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