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10:59 p.m. - 2008-04-09
The world runs on an unknown schedule
There was an entry about Laos and the 4000 Islands in yesterday's Life section (8 April).

Apparently, the writer stayed at Don Det and Don Khon for a while and from what he reported, there's still no water supply from the mainland, electricity still comes from the generator and closes at night, and the only internet connection is possibly the slowest in Asia.

hmm... we'd always thought that if we go back to the 4000 Islands now, since the passing of 4 years, Don Det and Don Khon would have been developed and turned touristy. Call it selfish nostalgia, but a part of me is glad that the islands hasn't changed.

On other unrelated news, Xai from Laos will be in SG next week, 15 to 19 April. What a coincidence.


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