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12:08 p.m. - 2008-06-06
june 5 list of books, dvds, self-motivation
1. Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Great story, sad characters, drawn in strict coloured panels, fine lines, symbols & icons... comics distilled into emotions by wordless simplicity)

2. Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library #16 (ditto above)

3. The Cutting Edge - The magic of movie editing DVD

4. Manufactured Landscapes DVD (WIWTW)

5. How to Win the New Yorker cartoon caption contest

6. Boom! Headshot, an article about the internet show "pure pwnage"

7. Futurama DVD (WIWTW)

8. Manufactured Consent - Noam Chomsky DVD (WIWTW)

9. Seinfeld - The cartoon, link (WIWTW, hard to get the nuance from the script)

10. what i want to watch - There will be blood (to be downloaded)

11. WIWTW - Accuracy of Death (TBD)

12. More comic books involving Chris Ware or sad characters or "urban ennui".

13. Read halfway - Tintin and I. On Cartooning. An interview with Chris Ware. link

14. Late now. Sleep. Z.


15. Believe you can and you can. Self-belief is one of the strongest and most powerful force in the world.


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