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3:25 p.m. - 2008-06-09

i stumbled onto this channel called "media that matters" on Youtube, and then saw this film. It was only in the middle that i realised it was about cluster bombs.

media that matters festival.

you can watch most of their films online or thru youtube. They cover important topics, urgent issues and some international matters that provoke much thought... especially into how we can live our lives. i do think it's important to know how others are living and how, if possible, we can help.

Digression: i witnessed how an acquaintance tried to persuade potential insurance-takers to meet him, and he would always ask in this way, "is it possible for us to meet?" The reason he gave was that nobody would really say it was impossible.

hence the thing is... when we think about it, it's not really impossible to help.

just some small action is also good, i think.


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