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11:25 p.m. - 2008-06-24
seinfeld dream joke
Last night i had a dream where this joke came up, i thought it was funny and so i woke up and typed it into my phone:

For him, talk in the womb was getting too repetitive to begin with, after a while. You keep asking yourself what you're going to do after you're here.

not so funny.

After some discussion with my good friend, the "dream joke" was tweaked:

After a while, talk in the womb is bound to get boring and repetitive. I mean, you'll keep asking yourself what you're going to do once you get out.

I'm gonna cry because I'm naked. I'm gonna cry because everyone is staring - the doctor gave me a slap - What the hell. Basically, i'm gonna cry.

Bawl my guts out. I don't care anymore. Let me be!


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