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9:25 a.m. - 2008-09-17
Remembering politicians and people in power
minister of state for law - ho peng kee, reported in Today newspaper, Sept 17 2008. Gave lame and unconvincing reasons for allowing a PAP Community Foundation event to be held while a Worker's Party event was not, on the exaggerated grounds that people will argue with the politicians and create a scene.

This list will be expanded with more gaffes by politicians or people who are powerful/influential e.g. doctors, army officials, CEOs, etc. To be remembered for the next elections. If you have any to add, please send to [email protected]
Please include details and reasons.

Colleague said, "i don't like the opposition. They always like to make mountains out of molehills. Do you want to see the country get run down by these people, like minister mentor lee said?"

Looks like MM Lee's words had their intended effect. To silence dissent and quell any questioning of the government's authority.

So are we not to speak out when something is wrong, unfair, corrupt?


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