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11:49 p.m. - 2008-11-08
the melodramas of K - becomes a thread about diaster movies.
today i didn't eat dinner outside, i just went home and cooked instant noodles by myself on the stove, while i surfed the internet and burned some dvds and downloaded some shows and songs from the Spinto Band.

Around ten pm, my mom came home and we said hi to each other. she offered me some pineapple but i declined. then she hit the showers and went to bed.

i thought i'll be going to supper but my friend had gone to bed. It makes me think of a situation where this guy stuck between saving two things that had fallen into the water, ends up with nothing.

i'm being melodramatic here. Allow me that. the person with the last word finds himself alone... because there will never be a reply after the last word.

if the executioner asks you before the firing squad, "any last words?"
i hope you will have the courage to say how sorry you are, that all those innocent people killed in your bombings had meaninglessly died in your meaningless war, that you are not a hero or a martyr, just a mistaken person.

what will be will be... let us not be sad when the time comes, but be happy for everything. If the apocalypse is in 2011 or 2013, i hope there will be some advance warning for us to expend our bank accounts or show our love for each other.

now that i think about it, i think any advance warning of the end of the world, besides the internet rumors we see now, is highly unlikely. It won't be fun when everyone is spending money lavishly.

we will probably die very quickly, in chaos and disaster. I hope we will be able to forgive our mistakes and love each other in that urgent moment before the Cloverfield monster strikes.

wouldn't it be grand? a final fantasy. No, not the video game, a literal final fantasy. our final time to be alive. no finer time to be alive is a song by Humpback Oak.

truman takes a bow just before he goes through the door. "good night. and in case i'll never see you again, good morning and good bye."

oh god, we love apocalypses and end of the world disaster movies because it makes the finality of life more real. and the best love stories are in war and disaster movies. the best love stories are doomed. like romeo and juliet.

i think an art installation should be done. It will be called Disaster! And then there will be all these miniature dioramas of disasters, typhoons, hurricanes, volcanoes, asteroids, monster-aliens, killer-viruses, floods, nuclear MAD (mutually assured destruction), sweeping through our planet wiping everyone out.

And then here and there are pockets of people, huddling together in campfires sharing soups and scraps of food.

i think this is what God would want. yea... that's a nice title too.

"Disasters: i think this is what God would want."


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