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10:31 p.m. - 2008-12-22
my childhood friend
by sh and wy.

A teacher gives a talk to his charges on the hard facts of life. The sec 1 kids stare at him, silent, in this unexpectedly candid moment.

That guy you saw yesterday with me,
he's my childhood friend,
we've known each other for more than 10 years now.

10 years!
10 years from now, some of your friends might be in Changi,
or they might be drugs addicts, or selling magnetic beds.
or in woodbridge after another financial collapse.
or even maybe you might never see them again.
or worse,
when you do meet each other,
they don't want to recognize you.

Look at their face, your friend sitting next to you.
Gaze into their eyes, the person you have a crush on...
Those eyes on that beautiful face. You'll never see that face again.
Cos it will grow old and wrinkled and maybe sprout a few more chins or moles.
Else it's in the newspaper obituary...
Or if they're really lucky, you might read that your childhood friend just got acquitted from molest. Hurrah.

That's why you must Treasure your childhood friends. Treasure them! Remain in contact with them.
Add them on facebook or msn, if you really have to.
Or if they added you first. Else nevermind.

I only have 2 childhood friends on my msn list now. Can you imagine that? Two!
Now. You may have many friends on your msn,
but 10 years from now, they will have blocked you, or deleted you already.
Just like me, actually I've blocked more than half of my classmates.

What is Facebook?
It's just a picture with a name on it.
Your friends will be gone or changed.
But still, remember your childhood friends.
Remember, remember them.

Not for what they've become. Not for what they will become.
But just remember. Because you will look back and wonder,
what happened to that fucker?


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