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9:29 p.m. - 2009-01-24
resolutions for 2009
i know it's a bit late and probably will sizzle out, as most resolutions are tasty when hot but unbearable when cold, anyway here are my resolutions for 2009, added with the definitive "must":

1. After finishing a movie, i must read a total of 3 good and bad reviews of it. To help me understand more about it and what i like or dislike about it.

2. i must run at the park 2 times every week. Unless i'm sick, like my cough now, which has been going on for 2 weeks.

3. i must post here once a week. Updates about my life or my current enthusiasms. As some sort of record-keeping and exercise for my brain.

4. travel to new york or japan or Australia this year. A distant place that will require more than 4 hours of traveling by plane.

ok, that's about it, although i'm already beginning to think they're not going to work out.

Hell, be positive.


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