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3:21 p.m. - 2009-01-27
scattered thoughts on the wrestler
endings are best ambiguous, to leave hope, because hope is all we got when there's little else to indicate otherwise.

the wrestler follows the fall of a character, but manages to raise him in our eyes at the same time. how he continues on without self-pity or seeking sympathy, despite his human failings and poor, estranged circumstances.

key moments in the film for various purposes...

brutal match leading up to his heart attack - where we see the results first and the wounds on his body are revealed in flashbacks.

his attempt at a human connection with Cassidy.

workwise too... enduring his job at the supermarket.


health - failing
family, daughter - estranged, severed ties.
love, Cassidy - dejected

there's only the world of wrestling left for him, life in the ring, cheered and appreciated, but transient.

he jumps off the top rope.


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