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1:41 a.m. - 2009-03-07
Am I an Anti-Semite?
Am i an anti-semite?
When you label someone a racist, which is a very incendiary label, what room is there for discussion with him to achieve peace? You have already dismissed him totally.

I am not an anti-semite. I've never ever said a joke about Jews. I have never thought of killing all Jews or wished them dead. I have never denied the Holocaust. In fact, i feel sad for the Holocaust and i hate Hitler.

Now, Hitler is an anti-semite. I am not an anti-semite.

I am a fan of Noam Chomsky. i love seinfeld, larry david, adam sandler. They are all Jewish people. I totally respect them.

What is the word for anti-palestinian? What is the word for anti-discussion? What is the word for compassion? Compassion.


I run away from you tonight and i am sorry for my behaviour. I am disappointed that you think i am an anti-semite. And i just want to go as far away from you.

What am i supposed to do to show you that i am not anti-semite? Say that i support the continual bombing of Palestinian (which inadvertently kills many innocent people)?

No. I think the situation is too complex. Can we allow that? That there are so many pple in this conflict, that we have to carefully see who did right and who did wrong. I believe both sides have good and bad sheep that have exploited the war.

Do you think so? Or do you think this is a very simple matter: One side is totally right and one side is totally wrong. And that's the end of the discussion.

If you think the second option (which is the simple matter one), then... tell me. Send a reply to me.

I will not judge you. Because you might be right, okay that's fine. If i'm wrong, ok i'm wrong.

Don't call me an anti-semite.
My stand is that both sides have to work towards peace by putting down their weapons.

I'm sure you think the same too. If you don't think that will work, ok send me a reply too.

Then i will not argue with you anymore.


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