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11:50 p.m. - 2009-03-31
day 4 of living by myself
mom went to hainan island again, to sweep tombs, pull up weeds and catch up with her sisters.

today is day 4 of living by myself. i sleep alone in the house. Almost all the lights are off in the rooms, except this one, because they're having Earth Hour by themselves. Who is them? Never ask such a scary question in the night when you are alone. Shivers.

I've watered the plants, dumped my clothes into the washing machine to wash, and boiled water to drink. This is how i survive.

Also, I found that the plastic part in the hot water flash is flaky and probably leaking plastic into the water i've been drinking. Luckily I discovered and stopped using it. But god knows how much plastic i've been imbibing. My body, the plastic processing plant.

All seems to be fine... still exercising... watching episodes of Lost season 1... general mucking around. For some reason, something feels amiss. Maybe it'll pass.

Alright good night diary, i'm going to go watch Lost in my bed in the dark. Then I'll sleep and hope morning comes soon, so i'll go to work and hope work ends soon, and come back here again.



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