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12:57 p.m. - 2009-07-24
Doritos Cheese Dreams
I was up last night till 1.45am watching old Seinfeld dvds and eating a bag of cheesy Doritos by myself.

When I finally switched off the tv and turned in, I had two dreams at around 4 or 5am i think.

The first one I remember was quarreling with some guy and then I threw a left punch and felt it connect with his head. The impact was hard and solid. And i woke up briefly realising I had just punched the concrete wall beside me and scraped my knuckles. Feeling stupid and painful, I went back to sleep again.

The second dream, I was walking along a dusty road in Bangkok or Laos where there were Buddhist carvings outside a temple wall. I hailed a cab and got on and realised I am now in a Comfort Cab, the blue kind. The driver was a Singaporean and he told me he will only accept Singapore currency. He didn't ask me where I was going and he just drove on. I don't remember what I talked with him, but i thought he looks like a taxi driver, with a paunch and so on.

And then the dream disappeared and I slept in total blankness till 8 plus in the morning. That's today.

Dreams have no meaning.


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