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9:27 p.m. - 2009-10-12
feeding the cat
today i opened up a new word document and cut and pasted the episode outline. i also wrote the following headings in order: Teaser, Act 1, Act 2, End Tag.

tomorrow i shall fill in the spaces between the headings.

today i had dinner with mom at Chomp Chomp seafood centre, we had BBQ stingray, cheng tng and kailan veggies. While eating the stingray, i thought how white its flesh looked and wondered why i'm eating a bottom-feeder, and how perhaps its mouth filters the plankton in the sea to produce such nice meat. But thinking back now, I don't think it's a bottom-feeder.

i have a swollen tongue and possibly a sore throat soon, if i don't get some water quick into this dirty mouth.

ah, enough nonsense for today. let me go watch Criminal Minds to give myself a profile.

tomorrow i must work!


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