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11:10 p.m. - 2009-11-16
Everyday is different, as un-uniform as badly moulded clay figures in a children's art class.
Mom went to a wedding dinner tonight and a whole suckling pig was served at their tables.

I came home from dinner at 7plus and while waiting for the lift at the ground floor, the uncle who fed cats came by and poured some pellets on the ground.

Brother showed me a magic trick with a rubber band just now; he had been watching videos on youtube to learn the tricks.

This afternoon, I was feeling a little blue and I thought i could dispel it by shouting, "What's the point of living if you are not happy?!!"

And then immediately, my life turned for the better like a piece of charred meat patty finally gotten flipped over on the grill.

Today is an exceptionally cold day.
Everyday is different..


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