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6:52 p.m. - 2009-12-02
nothing really, just spamming.
I feel sick but comfortable, drowsy with a thick watery nosy and feverishly warm.

I hope i don't have to bathe later but i probably will. The shock of water on skin is hard to overcome at first, feeling like the hissing of waves retreating from the shore.

sleepy but i refuse to sleep.

Love this lines from Fraction of a Whole

"Most of the time when God's supposed to be the hero, he comes across as the villain. I mean, look at what he did to Lot's wife (changing her into a pillar of salt). . . . What was her crime? Turning her head? You have to admit this is a God hopelessly locked in time, not free of it; otherwise he might have confounded the ancients by turning her into a flat-screen television or at least a pillar of Velcro."


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