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2:13 a.m. - 2010-09-30
Effects will vary for sad people
it is late at night when i had the thought that come next pay day im going to buy a guitar, pedal and amp, something ive been putting off... and then scream as i play in my room made-up songs.

feeling precious again

maybe this is gg to be another writing phase but i kind of doubt it...

story is temporal just like music, conflict against self, conflict against others, conflict against the world... i realise im more prolific when i am ranting against some sort of self perceived unfairness against an unseen god rather than blaming myself for problems in my life.

i know it's stupid and i would shut up immediately if i repeat to myself this is all my fault this was all my fault

yet to feel better and move on i curse at the moving world

there's a chinese saying... Part the river with your sword but the waters keep on flowing, get drunk to forget your sorrows but you'll only feel more sorrowful.

To me, it means the futility of things in life. That it is inevitable that we will meet with sadness, setbacks and saddlebacks. Somehow it rhymes.

and so it is, the blower's daughter.

thank you for listening...
i shall try and sleep now.


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