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10:40 p.m. - 2010-11-20
what i saw today, what you might see in your mind
a little girl around 5 years old sprawled out on the floor at the glass entrance of Junction 8 like a quiet, frozen snow angel. i thought she was sleeping on the ground as her 8 yr old brother stood near her.

one nike shoe that was the grey/silver version of my black/white one that i briefly thought of getting but after trying, i decided not to. I am not sure why. Although i really love my black/white nikes. Have i told you that funny jewish tv writers wear them?

a young man who is the toilet assistant standing outside the toilet of ion orchard looking straight ahead as i pass him on my way out. i wonder what's going through his mind. Thoughts of home or what to do after work maybe.

apologetically i made the sales assistant at Bata go into the storeroom 3 times to find my size for a shoe as I waited in the flourescent-lit showroom, standing there in my white socks.

at the hawker centre, i saw one of the stall uncles place two aluminium foil-wrapped pieces of chicken wings on the table for his friend.

Opening my mailbox, i saw that the postwoman had misplaced my neighbour's letter in ours, and so I placed it outside their door on my way home, like a little present.

on reaching home, i saw my brother flat out on his bed in his room, face all red, smelling of alcohol, his girlfriend sitting on a lazy chair beside him playing with her iPhone.

maybe what you want to know is what really happened to that little girl. Her brother picked her up and she started bawling.

I think, and this is what i didn't see, perhaps she hit the glass wall and fell backwards on the floor stunned. And i had just walked by at that exact moment when she was lying on the floor gathering her reflex to what just happened.

i think she is okay. I saw her parents look behind at her, asking her siblings loudly what happened?!

what happened?

this was what happened today. besides my frequent trips to the toilet. But that is another story.


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