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7:06 a.m. - 2012-03-27
i almost can't breathe, i have to remember to breathe
dear diary i almost can't breathe.

when i think about how all hope is lost.

i am scared

that whatever i do is useless

that even the bestest is not enough

that you will just treat me with pity

that i will always just be a friend

that when i tell you out of love

you will shun me

and it's because of that.

and not anything else.

if it were something else, i wouldn't feel so bad.

but because it was that, it's like a death sentence.

sentence my heart to death.

i wanted to be loved

i will never be loved

i told myself yesterday to encourage myself

that those who like me will like me, those who don't, no matter what i do, will most probably not. i should not be upset if no one loves me now. i believe that one day someone will.

i should love myself and judge myself not on whether anyone loves me.

If i have strived bravely and worked hard, overcome these obstacles, when i have really become someone i myself am proud of. Maybe then that will be enough.

Maybe then, you, or someone, will like me.


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