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12:15 a.m. - 2012-04-13
good nights, TGIF!
Ah we've started writing our own episodes for next season's show. When i say we, i mean each of us writing our own individual episodes, which is somehow linked to one another through the characters' arcs or relationships.

Right now my episode has cardboard characters running all across town, talking to NPCs or bit characters who give them information, and they transport this information to another person or it pings them to do certain things.

Sort of like little programs. Hmm.

I keep falling asleep at work, while writing, so you know that is a bad sign of a boring story. And it's over-running by a lot of pages so i will have to edit it and tighten it before passing to the head writer.

Ah. Make it more interesting... My head writer gave me some pointers, especially on how to portray the relationship between this 2 characters, M and D.

They have a rivalry going on between them. D is not happy that M is getting promoted. But M will also get his comeuppance later.

So M has to be shown being quite smart and correct with his decisions, earning the praise of his supervisors, while D watches him jealously and simmers in anger.

Then when M becomes over-confident and thinks he can solve everything, he gets a wake-up call in the form of a failure.

So this episode is about M. How his pride comes before a fall.

Ah see how it goes... more to be done. Excited writer, exciting work.

Exciting work, excited writer.

Must think of something exciting for future shows.


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